Returns the top-left and bottom-right corners of the video screen. GetScreen(VAR x1, y1, x2, y2 : INTEGER); Returns TRUE if the string parameter str can be converted into a numeric angle value, otherwise it returns FALSE. ValidAngStr(str : STRING; VAR value : REAL) : BOOLEAN; Returns TRUE if the string parameter str can be converted into a numeric value, otherwise it returns FALSE. ValidNumStr(str : STRING; VAR value: REAL): BOOLEAN; Returns TRUE if check box or radio button is checked, otherwise it returns FALSE. ItemSel(fieldID : INTEGER): BOOLEAN; Selects or deselects the check box or radio button which has that fieldID number. SetItem(fieldID : INTEGER; select : BOOLEAN); Hilites the text field which has that fieldID number. SelField(fieldID : INTEGER); Places text into a custom dialog text field. SetField(fieldID : INTEGER; str : STRING); Returns the text located in the text field which has that fieldID number. GetField(fieldID : INTEGER): STRING; Monitors user’s activity within a custom dialog box. DialogEvent(VAR item : INTEGER); Closes a custom dialog which is currently displayed. ClrDialog; Displays the dialog which has that dialogID number. GetDialog(dialogID : INTEGER); Creates a field within a custom dialog box. AddField(fieldStr: STRING; ItemID, fieldType, x1, y1, x2, y2 : INTEGER); Creates a button within a custom dialog box. AddButton(buttonStr : STRING; ItemID, buttonType, x1, y1, x2, y2 : INTEGER); Terminates the custom dialog creation process. EndDialog; Initiates the custom dialog creation process. BeginDialog(dialogID, dialogType, x1, y1, x2, y2 : INTEGER); Informs programmer whether the user click the cancel button. DidCancel : BOOLEAN; Dialog box that allows a user to input the 3D coordinate point. PtDialog3D((DisplayStr, XStr, YStr, ZStr : STRING; VAR XPt, YPt, ZPt : REAL); Dialog box that allows a user to input the 3D rotation angles of an object. AngDialog3D(DisplayStr, XStr, YStr, ZStr : STRING; VAR XAngle, YAngle, ZAngle : REAL); Dialog box that relays a message to the user. AlrtDialog(Message : STRING); Dialog box that allows a user to answer a yes/no question. YNDialog(RequestStr : STRING) : BOOLEAN; Dialog box that requests the user to input a string. StrDialog(RequestStr, Default : STRING) : STRING; Dialog box that requests the user to input a real number. RealDialog(RequestStr, Default : STRING) : REAL; Dialog box that requests the user to input a point X & Y coordinates. PtDialog(RequestStr, DefaultX, DefaultY : STRING; X, Y : REAL); Dialog box that requests the user to input an integer number. IntDialog(RequestStr, Default : STRING) : INTEGER; Dialog box that requests the user to input an distance. DistDialog(RequestStr, Default : STRING) : REAL; Dialog box that requests the user to input an angle. AngDialog(RequestStr, Default : STRING) : REAL;